Ann Rosenthal
Ann Rosenthal
Ann Rosenthal brings to communities over 40 years’ experience as an artist, educator, and writer. Her work examines the intersections of nature and culture through timely issues, including climate change, biodiversity, and biophilia. In 2018, Ann participated in four exhibitions, including “For the Love of Nature,” which she curated for the John A. Hermann Art Museum, and a solo exhibition at the School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In the fall, Ann was artist in residence at HJ Andrews Experimental Forest and received professional development support through the Artist Opportunity Grant program, Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council. In 2019, Ann participated in four group exhibitions and co-curated “Crafting Conversations: A Call and Response to Our Changing Climate” for Creatives for Climate through Contemporary Craft’s BNY Mellon Satellite Gallery in Pittsburgh. The exhibition was featured in American Craft Magazine.
Ann is one of four editors for the forthcoming anthology Ecoart in Action: Activities, Case Studies, and Provocations for Classrooms and Communities (New Village Press), on behalf of an international network of ecoartists. She teaches through Osher Lifelong Learning Institute/University of Pittsburgh, as well as several area arts and environmental organizations. In 2020, Ann received the “Woman of Environmental Art” Celebrating Women in Conservation Awards hosted by PennFuture. Her studio is located in the Bloomfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA. Ann received her MFA from Carnegie Mellon University in 1999.

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